Hello Everyone
To anyone that reads this I want to say thanks for checking this out. I figured I should say a few things about myself so you'll get to know me a little better.
First, and foremost, I am 19 and I am a Christian, now don't let that scare you, I am not somebody who judges everyone else, and I don't think I'm better than anybody else. I am here to love everyone, including you, no matter how different our views may be. I love you and though I may not know you personally, I know that God loves you and if He loves you, then I should love you too. It's thanks to Him that I have been blessed with many of the gifts I have today.
Second, I am a music lover, and yes, I can be a bit judgmental when it comes to music. But, I still don't hate you, and if it's a new band, I am willing to check them out. So in future posts if you see me mention a band that you know and you want to recommend another band that sounds like them, go ahead, because I love discovering new music. Music is basically what I live for, besides God, and I listen to it and try to play it everyday. I play guitar and have played for about 7 years and I still have much to learn. I also can play a little keyboard. But anyway, because I love music so much, I am wanting to be a music producer. It has always seemed cool to me, and there is a school in Nashville that I am wanting to attend. After that, it is my dream to work for Tooth & Nail Records in Seattle. And maybe I'll even write a few songs too for myself. I don't know for sure, but I feel God pulling me toward music because I seem to have quite an ear for it. If you ever want to talk music with me I am always up for it.
Something else about me that you should know is that I write poems/songs. I have quite a few and the ones that can be turned to songs, I haven't put music to because I tried it on one and wasn't too satisfied. But for future reference, some of my blogs may include or just have my poems in them.
I think thats a good start and I kinda want to check out some things, but thanks again for checking my blog out and I hope you continue to follow it.
God bless and Love
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