It's All About Him!
Today I read a piece of Scripture that hit home, but then also reminded me of the two times that I heard parts of it and where I was at life. The piece of Scripture is John chapter 5. Basically in the beginning, it's about a man that was paralyzed and was set on a "bedroll" as The Message puts it. He had been there for 38 years and Jesus asked him if he wanted to get well. Well Jesus healed him and told him, "Get up, take your bedroll, start walking." When I first heard this piece of Scripture, we (our BreakThrough group) were talking about how we can now be "wounded healers" according to what one of our Teaching Assistants said. Jesus told that man to take his bedroll and start walking. He wanted the man to walk and have his bedroll to show everyone that yes he had been wounded for most of his life, but he was healed and he now has his story to share to everyone so that they may be healed too. It so wonderful how that worked out.
Unfortunately, after this had happened the Jews got very angry at Jesus because He had healed this man on the Sabbath. But Jesus told them, "My Father is working straight through, even on the Sabbath. So am I." And because He said this the Jews were set out to kill Jesus because He compared Himself to God, and that wasn't right in their book. I didn't realize that just "working" on the Sabbath would get you killed. That just baffled me. I agree with Jesus 100%, I truly believe Papa rested on the Seventh Day, but that doesn't mean He doesn't want us to continue to have fellowship and continue to "heal" one another. We also shouldn't have just one day a week that we feel like we "have" to dedicate to fellowship. Why can't life just be our fellowship. I truly believe that Papa wants us to have fellowship in any form we can do it.
Another part of this Scripture that I really loved was verses 39-40 which was, "You have your heads in your Bibles constantly because you think you'll find eternal life there. But you miss the forest for the trees. These Scriptures are all about me! And here I am, standing right before you, and you aren't willing to receive from me the life you say you want". After reading this, all I could do was smile and say "wow!" It really is all about Him. It's not saying you shouldn't be reading the Scripture, but it's saying we get so lost sometimes in the words that we forget what is known from the start. He is here, in us, with us all around us. The Scripture is all about Him, and we cannot live eternally and understand the Word without an intimate relationship with Him. That's what He wants.
I pray that I am doing a good job explaining this, and I pray that you remember that it is all about Him. He is always there for you, and will love you always.
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